Upload local data to IBM Db2 on Cloud
3 min readMar 29, 2021
Goal: To upload local .csv file as a table to IBM DB2 Cloud
Step-1: Create IBM Db2 service from IBM Cloud catalogue.
- Go to IBM cloud (cloud.ibm.com)
- Select Catalog from the navbar
- Search for Db2
- Create a Lite plan Db2 Service
Step -2: Open Console
- Select Open Console
Step-4 Load data from local file
- Select LOAD >Load Data Menu
- Drag and drop the local csv file from your machine and drop them on Db2 on Cloud. You can see the selected file at the right side corner under the Selected file.
- Click on Next
- For faster loading, install the Aspera plugin . Toggle the High-speed loads powered by Aspera toggle on
- Download the plugin and install it
Step-5: Create New Schema
- Select New Schema
- Give a name to the schema and click on Create
Step-6: Create a new Table
- Select New Table or find existing Table
- Give a name to the new Table and select Create
- Select Next
- Edit the table structure if needed
- Select Next
- Select Begin Load
The loading might take few minutes based on the size of file.